By Yusrin Junaidi –
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 23 SEPT – A total of 56 participants, 12 male participants and 44 female participants from among converts who participated in the Advanced Guidance Scheme II under the Islamic Dakwah Center (PDI) have completed the Al-Quran Understanding Scheme Course (Special for Converts) 2024 which held from 17 to 21 September at the Conference Hall, PDI.
Present as the guest of honor and then completing the presentation of participation certificates to the participants was the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU), Haji Mohammad Rosli bin Haji Ibrahim.
The course was organized by MABIMS Center for Al-Quran Study and Dissemination, KHEU in collaboration with PDI.
The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah by the Assistant Religious Officer, PDI, Awang Muhammad Syahirul Syafiq bin Rashid. The event was followed by a welcome speech by the Acting Director of PDI, KHEU, Haji Ahmad Abdussalam bin Haji Abdul Rahman.
The ceremony continued with the presentation of certificates by the guest of honor to the course facilitator, namely the Assistant Lecturer, Center for Contemporary Jurisprudence, Seri Begawan Religious Teaching University College, Awang Hilman bin Haji Salim.
Among the courseware includes an explanation of the concept of worship and its relevance in the relationship between Khaliq (Allah/Creator) and creatures (hablum minallah); the importance and role of prayer in Muslim life; fasting and its role in the formation of Muslim personality; zakat and its relationship in social development; and the Hajj as a declaration of the greatness of Allah SWT and the great finality of the Muslim people.
The objective of the course is to dignify the position of the Al-Quran as the first source of Islamic law while increasing the awareness of Muslims to understand the content of the Al-Quran in various aspects as well as providing accurate information on various issues and misconceptions about the content of the Al-Quran in the era of globalization .
It also aims to prepare a self-identified next generation that can understand, appreciate and practice the values of Islamic teachings as a whole sourced from the Al-Quran and Sunnah in all aspects of life.