Drunk man driving banged-up Honda arrested; motorcyclist flees from police: Berea police blotter

Drunk man driving banged-up Honda arrested; motorcyclist flees from police: Berea police blotter

Drunk man driving banged-up Honda arrested; motorcyclist flees from police: Berea police blotter

BEREA, Ohio –

Operating a vehicle under the influence: Front Street

An intoxicated Ann Arbor, Michigan man, 23, was arrested at about 4 a.m. Sept. 20 after police saw him driving a damaged Honda Accord on Front northbound near Berea Recreation Center.

The Accord was dragging a piece of plastic. When police started following the man, he quickly turned onto Second Avenue. Then he took rights onto Pearl Street and Third Avenue.

Police believed the man was driving over the 25-mph speed limit. As the man turned left back onto Front, his car almost hit a Baldwin Wallace University security vehicle.

At Front and Bagley Road, the man turned his windshield wipers on high, even though it wasn’t raining, nor was rain in the forecast.

Police pulled over the Accord on Front just south of Bagley. The man said he had been in Front St Social on Front but did not drink alcohol there. He failed field sobriety tests.

Fleeing & eluding, reckless operation: Front Street

The unidentified driver of a sporty style motorcycle didn’t stop when police tried to pull over the vehicle at about midnight Sept. 20.

The driver performed wheelies while northbound on Front. Upon noticing police, the driver stopped, then ran a stop sign on Front at North Rocky River Drive.

The driver made an illegal U-turn, traveled southbound on North Rocky River in the northbound lanes and merged onto southbound Front.

Police activated their overhead lights and sirens but the driver sped away instead of stopping. Police followed the motorcycle as it turned westbound onto West Bagley Road.

Police lost sight of the motorcycle at West Bagley and North Rocky River and terminated the pursuit.

Burglary: Runn Street

A Run resident reported that two televisions, a video game system, video games, a small amount of marijuana and an envelope containing $2,700 in cash were stolen from his home between 7:30 p.m. Sept 20 and 1 p.m. Sept. 22.

The resident said he was going through a divorce with his wife, who no longer lives in the home. He said he had recently changed the locks to the house but was unsure whether his wife had the passcodes and/or keys to enter.

Police contacted the resident’s wife, who said she had not gone to the house nor taken her husband’s property.

Arrest warrant served, possession of dangerous drugs: South Rocky River Drive

A wanted Fairview Park man, 62, was arrested at about 2 p.m. Sept. 3 on South Rocky River near Quarry Road.

Police had stopped the man’s car after checking the license-plate number and determining that he was wanted by the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

Police found what they believed was crack cocaine and a glass crack pipe in the man’s car.

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