IBTE, BIL collaborate | Gem Media Online

IBTE, BIL collaborate | Gem Media Online

By Salawati Haji Yahya –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 26 SEPT – With the intention of fostering innovation, technical expertise and entrepreneurship development in Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Institute of Technical Education (IBTE) and Brunei Innovation Lab (BIL) today established a new collaboration with the signing of a memorandum of agreement (MoA). at a ceremony held at the Design and Technology Building, Kampung Anggerek Desa today.

Present as guest of honor and witnessing the signing of the agreement was the Permanent Secretary (Higher Education), Ministry of Education, Dr Haji Azman bin Ahmad.

Signing on behalf of IBTE was the Director of Technical Education and Chief Executive Officer, IBTE, Dr Haji Mohd Zamri bin Hajii Sabli while BIL was signed by BIL Chairman, Haji Mohammad Amirul Shahnoel bin Haji Muhammad Noeh.

Earlier, Dr Haji Mohd Zamri, in his welcome speech explained among other things that in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, employers are increasingly struggling to find employees with the adaptable and flexible skills needed in today’s dynamic workplace.

“They are looking for innovative employees, open to change and equipped to deal with challenges and in that direction, BIL as the main driver of innovation in Brunei and a facilitator for the development of entrepreneurial technology, is an ideal partner for IBTE,” he explained.

IBTE, BIL collaborate | Gem Media Online
Dr Haji Mohd Zamri and Haji Mohammad Amirul Shahnoel exchanged documents while the guests of honor witnessed the signing ceremony between IBTE and BIL at the Design and Technology Building, Kampung Anggerek Desa. – PHOTO BY SALAWATI HAJI YAHYA
Dr Haji Azman while witnessing the exhibition at the ceremony. – PHOTO BY SALAWATI HAJI YAHYA

He further added that through the partnership it can ensure that IBTE students acquire the skills, thinking and experience needed to thrive in a world driven by Industry 4.0.

Meanwhile, Haji Mohammad Amirul Shahnoel emphasized that this collaboration can create opportunities for students to gain practical experience, face real industry challenges and develop innovative solutions that can contribute to the diversification of Brunei’s economy.

“By uniting IBTE’s technical expertise with BIL’s innovative ecosystem, we ensure that Brunei’s youth talent is not only equipped with the skills needed for today but also meets the rapidly growing demands of the future,” he said.

“Startup673 REACH which is a national hackathon targeting higher education institutions is another BIL initiative designed to encourage innovative solutions by addressing challenges faced by industry while offering a platform for students to apply their skills in real world work situations while encouraging collaboration between academia and industry.

“To face an industry that is constantly growing rapidly due to technological advancement, the students will be equipped with both vocational skills and the innovative mindset needed to adapt, create and drive economic growth,” he added.

The signing ceremony ended with a group photo session and a visit to the exhibition area of ​​IBTE students and the industries involved.

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