Dear Abby: What can I do about my arrogant jerk adult grandson who shows no respect?

Dear Abby: What can I do about my arrogant jerk adult grandson who shows no respect?

Dear Abby: What can I do about my arrogant jerk adult grandson who shows no respect?

Dear Abby: My 21-year-old grandson is a dramatic and arrogant know-it-all. My issue is that he’s disrespectful to me, especially in social situations. He’ll roll his eyes or flap his arms around as if I have two heads. He’s actually mean-spirited. I’m not sure how to handle it. Should I simply ignore him, or should I confront him with how I feel?

— Miserable Grandma in Ohio

Dear Grandma: You should definitely tell him how you feel if you haven’t already done it. He’s acting like an overgrown adolescent. If his behavior continues, avoid him, if possible, as you would any other person who treats you with disrespect.

P.S. Also give serious consideration to “avoiding” him on his birthday, at Christmas, during graduation and any other gift-giving occasion.


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Dear Abby: My soon-to-be ex-husband was beyond rude at a family celebration

See all “Dear Abby” columns

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, California 90069. Copyright 2024, Andrews, McMeel Syndication.

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