Why are there thousands of flying spiders in Wichita?

Why are there thousands of flying spiders in Wichita?

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Thousands of webs with spiders are taking flight in Kansas. If you take a walk in downtown Wichita, you can see spider webs have taken over, landing on just about anything. 

An entomologist with Kansas State University said that at this time of year, spiders across the state hatch and take to the sky to increase their hope of survival.

  • Why are there thousands of flying spiders in Wichita?

Newly hatched spiders have a small survival rate of 10% or lower. K-State Entomologist J.P. Michaud said September brings them to the sky, spreading out to increase their odds. 

“There are thousands of little spiders. You can have several hundred from a single egg sack. They put out these long threads of silk. They usually climb up onto a plant first, then they’ll spin a long thread of silk, then the wind will just carry them away,” said Michaud. 

He said that in Kansas, orb-weavers and garden spiders are the ones in the air and can travel great distances. 

“If you let a helium balloon go on a hot summer day in Kansas, how far you think it would go, probably end up in Nebraska, you’d be surprised,” said Michaud. 

Although it may be a creepy annoyance, Michaud said, it is a sign of a strong environment. 

“Spiders are good. I don’t like them in my house more than anyone else. I like them outdoors, but I don’t like them indoors, but they are a sign of a healthy ecosystem,” said Michaud. 

Riverside resident Ken Janzen said the webs are floating through his backyard, protecting his garden from harmful insects. 

“Little spiders don’t bother me. I’ve never knowingly been bitten by one, and I figure that’s how they spread out, so it’s fine with me,” said Janzen. 

Michaud said spider migration should be over in a couple of weeks once temperatures are consistently cooler. He also said that if a web with a spider does land on you, it is too small to cause you harm.

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