Level of awareness about HIV | Gem Media Online

Level of awareness about HIV | Gem Media Online

By Sim YH

TUTONG, 29 SEPT – The youth continue to be given information and awareness about HIV through the efforts implemented by the Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council (BDAIDS Council) in spreading information and awareness about HIV, especially among teenagers and school students.

In connection with that, the BDAIDS Council implemented the HIV Awareness Program for Youth and Peers (HAPPY) where it is a project led by youth with the aim of spreading awareness about HIV including knowledge about teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) among teenagers and youth.

The program was conducted at Tajong Maya Secondary School (SMTM) where about 200 students participated in the program which took place in the Sufri Bolkiah High School Hall, Tutong, yesterday.

The program saw a talk delivered by the HAPPY Project Coordinator, Dayang Siti Kailene Jazlan Kashfi with activities jointly managed by HAPPY team members.

During the talk, Dayang Siti Kailene shared the latest local STI statistics and teenage pregnancy by highlighting the age and gender that dominate the statistics.

He also stated that the number can be reduced by practicing abstinence as part of a method to prevent young people from engaging in risky habits that can lead to STI infections, pregnancy outside of marriage or early marriage.

The program is an interactive program that combines audio and visual as well as interactive activities to deliver messages to young people where the messages are delivered in accordance with the local situation.

BDAIDS Council hopes that the students will take home the messages presented as part of their learning process as well as to be implemented in their daily lifestyle.

Level of awareness about HIV | Gem Media Online
Among the SMTM students who participated during the program. – BDAIDS COUNCIL SUBMISSION PICTURES

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