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Thursday, November 28, 2024

A man died after being scratched by his beloved cat

MOSCOW, NOV 28 – A 55-year-old Russian man suffering from diabetes and blood clotting problems, died after being scratched by his beloved cat.

The tragic incident happened on November 22 in Kirishi district, Leningrad region, when Dmitry Ukhin went out looking for his pet cat, Styopka, who often roamed freely around the neighborhood.

After finding the cat, Ukhin took the cat home but could not explain how or why the cat had scratched his leg so badly it caused bleeding that resulted in his death within minutes.

At around 11pm, Ukhin called his neighbor to report that he was bleeding profusely after being scratched by his cat.

Cite the report Oddity Central, even though his neighbors tried to help, Ukhin, who was suffering from health problems, could not be saved. The medical team that arrived at the scene could only confirm his death.

A man died after being scratched by his beloved cat
Dmitry Ukhin poses with his pet cat, Styopka. – Agency

“At 11pm, someone called the emergency line to report that his friend was bleeding due to a torn vein in his leg. The doctor who arrived confirmed his death, and the police received a telephone report of the incident,” said a police spokesperson Kosomolskaya Pravda.

An investigation is underway to find out why the cat attacked its owner and how its claws were able to injure a vein or artery deep enough.

Pictures uploaded on Ukhin’s social media show that Styopka is a fairly large cat, but injuring such a deep vein is still considered unusual for a pet cat.

Ukhin’s wife told investigators that Styopka was a harmless cat and loved her husband very much, so she could not imagine that the cat would claw her husband to death. – Agency

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