Several people have threatened lawyers of the suspected Solingen attacker and set up three symbolic graves with wooden crosses in front of a law firm in Dresden. The law firm had represented the Syrian in his asylum proceedings, the Dresden police department announced. State security is now investigating after people set up graves and posters in front of the law firm’s entrance on Saturday. According to police, the posters accuse the law firm of being partly responsible for the deaths of the three people in the attack in Solingen.
The so-called Identitarian Movement claimed responsibility for the action in Dresden via its Telegram channel, the police said. Among the suspects is a 25-year-old man from Chemnitz. He was given a threat assessment, it was said.
In the suspected Islamist attack in Solingen in North Rhine-Westphalia the week before last, an attacker killed three people with a knife and injured eight others at a festival. The suspected perpetrator is 26-year-old Syrian Issa Al H., who is in custody in Düsseldorf.
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