Following the death of a 24-year-old in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, the public prosecutor’s office is charging a 25-year-old with manslaughter. He is accused of stabbing the younger man to death in June, the Berlin public prosecutor’s office announced.
The two men were reportedly drinking alcohol in an apartment with two other acquaintances in the afternoon and got into an argument. The 24-year-old and the 25-year-old threw small liquor bottles at each other and insulted each other, it was said. The argument continued in the stairwell.
According to the prosecution, the 25-year-old stabbed the victim with a knife “in the direction of the right collarbone” and twice in the back. According to the authorities, the victim died of his injuries. Neighbors found the 24-year-old in the stairwell. One day later, police arrested the suspected perpetrator in Bernau, north of Berlin.
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