Elvina Mohamad was afraid to read the story of an artist friend’s divorce

Elvina Mohamad was afraid to read the story of an artist friend’s divorce

Reading about the domestic turmoil among celebrities made actress Datin Elvina Mohamad worry if one day she would face a similar situation.

Taking note of the story that happened, Elvina or Norzalina Mohamad, 29, always prays that the marriage built with her husband, Datuk Mohd Haniff Borhan is always happy and away from suspicion.

“When I see issues like this I also wonder why many people want to separate? There was also a sense of fear in me but that was their guess. I can’t even say I’m too happy because we don’t know what will happen in the future. I always pray to be kept away from such things and hope that my marriage with my husband will be extended until the end of life,” she said to mStar.

Elvina shared that during the premiere ceremony of her latest drama entitled It turned out to be a happiness which has been airing on Astro Ria since September 23.

Through the drama, Elvina played the role of Rhea, the second wife of Datuk Zamani played by Zamarul Hisham. Describing the character has its own challenges, but Elvina said that the 40-episode drama is quite loaded with thrills as well as lessons.

“In this drama I am not a pushover but a cunning woman who is proposed to be honey by the first wife and various tactics are used to deceive her honey. This kind of story happens a lot in everyday life and what can I say, don’t be like the family inside It turned out to be a happiness this. Full of ‘drama’ and problems,” he said.

Talking more about the project, Elvina said that the long filming made her have to divide her time wisely with her husband and children.

Elvina said, she will make sure their needs are resolved before going to the filming location in addition to making video calls to the children so they don’t feel neglected.

“Before entering the filming set, I asked for at least one day off a week because I wanted to spend time with my husband and children. When I was on location, I often made video calls with the children at home. This sacrifice had to be made when I agreed to be involved in a big project.

“After filming, I will take a month off to focus on my family,” he explained.

For the record, Elvina and Haniff on March 18, 2018 and as a result of the marriage they were blessed with two sons. – Agency

Elvina Mohamad was afraid to read the story of an artist friend’s divorce
Elvina pray that the household continues to be happy. – mStar

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