Fewer refugees in municipal facilities in Brandenburg


At the end of June, 20,768 refugees were temporarily housed in municipal facilities in Brandenburg. That was 746 fewer than a year earlier, the Ministry of Social Affairs in Potsdam announced in response to a query from state parliament member Andrea Johlige (Left Party).

In contrast, the number of places in accommodation increased slightly by 277 to 29,126. In Brandenburg, 21,816 refugees had a residence permit at the end of June, 2,190 more than twelve months ago.

Also fewer benefit recipients in Brandenburg

The Number of recipients of benefits under the State Reception Actwho live in the municipal facilities, decreased by 1,563 to 11,728 year-on-year. Brandenburg’s state government expects a total of 11,800 new refugees this year. At the beginning of the year, around 13,950 people were expected.

The Increase in free places in municipal facilities A spokesman for the ministry explained this, among other things, with the upcoming occupancy of the central initial reception centre for asylum seekers. expected decline in migrants to Brandenburg The districts and independent cities also abolished the emergency shelters as of April 1. A year ago there were 84 of these quarters, 65 of them in the Uckermark and 19 in the Potsdam-Mittelmark district.

Most refugees live in shared accommodation

The approximately 11,050 people Most of the refugees housed in the municipal facilities lived In the middle of this year in shared accommodationApproximately 4,730 migrants had moved into temporary accommodation. (dpa)

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