Paralympic champion Markus Rehm has ruled out ending his career after defending his long jump title and continues to dream of reaching the nine-meter mark. “I have to admit that I have continued to develop physically. That is really nice. But we need to train a little smarter, a little better – appropriate for my age. But I am still hungry. I want to keep jumping and I think I can do more,” said the 36-year-old. However, he left it open whether he will continue until the 2028 Games in Los Angeles.
In Paris he won his fifth Paralympic gold medal. “I can still keep the competition at bay and it’s fun – and I’d love to be part of that as well.” His best jump of his career so far ended at 8.72 meters. In the French capital he won with 8.13 meters and crowned the Games, which were very special for him. After all, he was allowed to carry the Paralympic torch on the opening night and ring the bell in the Stade de France after his victory. This is only reserved for the winners.
“I’m already emotional. It grabs me and motivates me. These are the moments that I think about, and the one with the torch was definitely one of the most beautiful moments of my life,” said Rehm.
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