No wind no grab, actor Park Min Jae, 32, died suddenly of a heart attack while traveling to China last Friday.
The matter was confirmed by the deceased’s younger brother and hoped that fans would always remember his brother’s acting.
“My beloved brother has gone to rest forever.
“I hope as many people as possible can remember my brother.
“Please note that I cannot contact everyone individually.” he said on Instagram yesterday.
Meanwhile, Min Jae’s agency, Big Title, confirmed the news of the actor’s death in a statement.
“Hello, this is Big Title, Park Min Jae’s agency. He who loved acting and always gave his best has passed away.
“We really appreciate the love and attention you have shown to actor Park Min Jae even though we can’t see his performance anymore.
“We will proudly remember him as an actor in the Big Title agency,” he said
It is understood that for now the remains are still at the Funeral Hall of Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital, mStar reported.
The funeral of the deceased will take place on Wednesday morning and the location is yet to be decided.
For the record, Min Jae is known through his acting in dramas Little Women, Snap And Sparkand True To Love. – Agency