Thursday, September 19, 2024

Asylum law

Right-wing government in the Netherlands wants to declare “national asylum crisis”

The right-wing Dutch government wants to drastically tighten the asylum policy in the coming months. It announced on Friday that it would introduce...

Gay man deported to Iraq

Deportations often cause human suffering. This is especially true for Ali, who is gay and was deported to Iraq on September 10th. There...

Merz’ migration policy: Good that the traffic light coalition is not risking Europe

CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz lets the migration summit with the traffic light coalition collapse. A mistake – and right that the...

Faeser wants fast-track asylum procedures near the border

Shortly before the meeting of Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) with representatives of the traffic light parties, the opposition and...

Decline in asylum numbers: Are the traffic light laws already working?

Chancellor Olaf Scholz blames tightening of asylum law for the decline in asylum applications. The opposition and a migration expert vehemently disagree. Source...

FDP calls for rejections at borders and asylum procedures in third countries

The FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag has a tougher approach to asylum and migration policy A position paper adopted on Thursday states,...