Thursday, September 19, 2024

Friedrich Merz

Hendrik Wüst clears the way for Friedrich Merz

There is almost nothing standing in the way of CDU leader Friedrich Merz's candidacy for chancellor. Hendrik Wüst from North Rhine-Westphalia, who is...

Fridays for Future back on the streets: The long-term commitment of climate activists

The climate crisis has moved down the list of issues in the polls. The work of the traffic light coalition is also likely...

The Union can only beat itself in the race for chancellor

One thing must be said after this weekend: The Union is close to clarifying the question of who should be the candidate for...

Could his dream of becoming Chancellor still be dashed in the final stages?

He shakes hands, smiles, and enjoys the applause. Wherever Friedrich Merz appears these days, the CDU leader usually seems relaxed. As if everything...

Tightened border controls: When rejections are possible – and when not

The expanded border controls from this Monday are intended to increase the number of rejections. They are covered by EU law. The legal...

Voters consider Merz to be clearly more competent than Scholz when it comes to the economy

The next federal election will take place in September 2025, and the CDU/CSU have not yet decided who the Union's candidate for chancellor...

“This presents the police with major challenges within a very short space of time”

The impending expansion of controls at Germany's external borders is sparking further criticism from its EU neighbors. "The only way to stop irregular...

Woidke calls for refugees to be turned away at the border

In the debate for stricter asylum laws Brandenburg's Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) is in favor of rejecting refugees who have entered the...