Thursday, September 19, 2024


Oil tanker attacked by Houthis successfully towed

Almost four weeks after the Attack by the pro-Iranian Houthi militia on a Oil tanker off the coast of Yemen The ship was...

Raids, air strikes, terrorist attacks: Is the West Bank becoming a second Gaza?

Since October 7, violence in the West Bank has been increasing - and has reached a worrying level. Will there be a maximum...

To the next level with Jens Stoltenberg

What an opportunity, what a sign – Jens Stoltenberg as new head of the Munich Security Conference. It would be the first time...

Hamas air force chief apparently killed in attack in humanitarian zone

The Israeli Air Force says it has An Islamist Hamas command center located in the humanitarian zone in the Gaza Strip was attacked....

This man is supposed to help Kamala Harris with Middle East issues

It is one of the issues that is particularly sensitive for Kamala Harris in the American presidential election campaign: the Middle East conflict....

The shift to the right is becoming increasingly noticeable in the Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen memorial sites in Brandenburg

They are places of horror. Tens of thousands of people were murdered during the National Socialist era in the Brandenburg concentration camps of...

Couple allegedly supported Iranian plan to murder three German-Israelis

According to police sources, investigations have been launched in Paris against a couple who were involved in Iranian plans to assassinate Jews in...

US justice brings charges against Hamas leader Sinwar and his associates

The US government is taking legal action against Hamas leader in connection with the October 7, 2023 massacre in Israel Jihia al-Sinwar and...