Thursday, September 19, 2024

Olaf Scholz

Tightened border controls: When rejections are possible – and when not

The expanded border controls from this Monday are intended to increase the number of rejections. They are covered by EU law. The legal...

Voters consider Merz to be clearly more competent than Scholz when it comes to the economy

The next federal election will take place in September 2025, and the CDU/CSU have not yet decided who the Union's candidate for chancellor...

Scholz’s fear of a weapons debate in the election campaign

For Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his SPD, the meeting comes at the worst possible time. It is taking place far away and without...

Scholz believes nothing has failed in migration talks

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has fundamentally reaffirmed the openness to talks with the opposition on the subject of migration. “I said in the German...

Chancellor believes migration talks have not yet failed

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has fundamentally reaffirmed the openness to talks with the opposition on the subject of migration. “I said in the German...

FDP politician Thomae calls for testing EU law

After the attack in Solingen, which left three people dead, the debate about Germany's course in migration policy has flared up again. Within...

What could be behind the change of leadership at the Security Conference

Now it is official: The Munich Security Conference, the world's largest meeting of its kind, is getting a new leadership. first media reports...

USA wants two permanent seats for Africa in the UN Security Council

The USA demands two permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council (UN) for African statesWashington is also proposing a rotating seat for...