Thursday, September 19, 2024


FDP politician Thomae calls for testing EU law

After the attack in Solingen, which left three people dead, the debate about Germany's course in migration policy has flared up again. Within...

Doing good: How the Tagesspiegel helps

How important it is in life to share suffering, but above all joy. Those who have something should be happy to give to...

Merz’ migration policy: Good that the traffic light coalition is not risking Europe

CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz lets the migration summit with the traffic light coalition collapse. A mistake – and right that the...

Twin town of the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district: Berlin builds solar fountain in Syria

Berlin reports the construction of a drinking water well in Syria. The partnership association in Kreuzberg writes that the aim is to "prevent...

Austria will not accept rejected refugees

In the debate about a More extensive rejection of migrants at the German borders than before, Austria announces resistance. “Austria will not...

Wagenknecht presents a “very radical measure”

BSW chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht says she wants to increase the number of asylum seekers with a “very radical measure” She calls for a...

Five projects honored for greater cohesion and diversity

The prize, worth up to 2000 euros, Potsdam Integration Prize was awarded to five projects on Sunday. At the ceremony in the theater...

Decline in asylum numbers: Are the traffic light laws already working?

Chancellor Olaf Scholz blames tightening of asylum law for the decline in asylum applications. The opposition and a migration expert vehemently disagree. Source...