Thursday, September 19, 2024


New poll sees SPD just behind AfD

Five days before the Brandenburg election, it is still heading towards a close finale. According to a recent poll, the AfD is leading...

Union and Merz weaken – SPD gains slightly

The Union has lost support in the current RTL/ntv “Trendbarometer”. The CDU and CSU received 31 percent in the Forsa Institute survey published...

Data protection commissioner critically assesses the traffic light government’s “security package”

The new Federal Commissioner for Data Protection, Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider, is critical of the so-called security package of the traffic light government. “I see...

Criticism of new border controls: random checks and taunts

At the start of the new border controls at the German land borders, there are no major traffic jams. Nevertheless, the controls remain...

“The SPD is losing its social democratic brand core”

The chairmen of the Berlin Jusos, Svenja Diedrich and Kari Lenke, have sharply criticized the course of the capital's SPD. "The SPD is...

The last year of Nancy Faeser

Some pictures develop an unfortunate life of their own. Nancy Faeser will have thought the same thing by now. Federal Minister of the...

Pistorius, Klingbeil, Wagenknecht and Lindner in Potsdam

In the final stretch of the election campaign, the candidates from Potsdam are once again gaining prominent support. Before a new State Parliament...

Fridays for Future back on the streets: The long-term commitment of climate activists

The climate crisis has moved down the list of issues in the polls. The work of the traffic light coalition is also likely...