Sunday, September 8, 2024
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GDR cult car: A Trabi through the USA

Trabi fan Jan-Erik Nord drove across the USA in a two-stroke engine from Zwickau and collected donations for research into the rare butterfly...

England’s new era began with a win against Ireland

DUBLIN, SEPT 8 – After losing in the recent European Championships, England started a new era by beating Ireland 2-0 in Dublin yesterday. Some...

Cathy Hummels needs twelve dirndls for the Oktoberfest

Influencer Cathy Hummels (36) needs twelve dirndls for the Oktoberfest this year. "I recycle, of course. This year I need about twelve different...

Extended notice of the temporary closure of the half way

By Salawati Haji Yahya BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 8 – The temporary closure of half the road on the Gadong Bridge, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah...

New mass demonstrations in Israel for Gaza deal

While Israel's army continues to crack down on the Islamist Hamas in the sealed-off Gaza Strip, new mass demonstrations are taking place in...

Trump threatens to prosecute “election fraudsters”

Former US President Donald Trump is threatening alleged election fraudsters with consequences if he returns to the White House. "If I win, the...

Uyaina Arshad was criticized for defending Abang Bas

The TikTok account belonging to host and actress Uyaina Arshad was flooded with criticism from netizens who were not satisfied with the volume...

Bolsonaro leads demonstration against judges

After the blocking of the online platform X in Brazil, former President Jair Bolsonaro mobilized thousands of supporters to protest in the streets...