After a particularly hot day, the German Weather Service measured record temperatures in some places in Berlin and Brandenburg. In Potsdam, for example, meteorologists recorded a preliminary value of 35 degrees. The previous highest temperature on September 4 was 34.9 degrees in 1985, according to the DWD.
At 35.2 degrees, it was even hotter in Doberlug-Kirchhain (Elbe-Elster). The previous record was 29.7 degrees and was measured on September 4, 2011. In Berlin-Tempelhof, 34.4 degrees were measured; the previous record there was 28.9 degrees in 1949. In Cottbus, 33.9 degrees were reached. The previous record there was 32.8 degrees in 1895.
The DWD had expected extreme heat and warned that it could cause health problems. Thursday is also expected to bring little cooling and remain sunny.
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