Trouble with the post office? What you should know now


Few consumer protection issues are brought to our attention as passionately as problems with the post office.

The so-called Postal Law Modernization Actwhich has now come into force, sounds like news and improvements. The former does indeed exist, but whether this really leads to the latter remains to be seen. In future, only companies that are registered in the Federal Network Agency’s provider directory will be allowed to transport shipments. This must be published and regularly updated.

In addition, the Federal Network Agency has been obliged to Digital Atlas to create a map that maps all postal access points across Germany. This includes post boxes and packing stations as well as branches. Automated stations for postal delivery are also now available. You can frank, send and receive your mail there.

In some cases you will need a smartphone, which is not necessarily available to everyone.

Dörte ElssHead of the Berlin Consumer Center

What sounds straightforward is not necessarily the case for all potential users. In some cases, you will need a smartphoneswhich is not necessarily available to everyone. We as consumer centers are concerned that older people in particular will be at a disadvantage due to the lack of a device. If you either do not have a smartphone or do not want to use it for postal matters, you must object to your shipments being deposited in packing stations.

There is good news on the subject of parcel delivery. Such shipments may only be delivered in the immediate vicinity. If they are not successfully delivered, only the nearest deposit location is possible for storage. The consumer advice centers will remain vigilant, especially with regard to general participation. In Germany, the federal government regulates the postal service with the declared aim of ensuring a comprehensive basic service for sending letters and parcels. And this basic service must include all of us.

The column “My Good Advice” appears online on Wednesdays.

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