10 are listed in the BDCB Alert List


By Nurdiyanah R

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 5 – A total of 10 companies or individuals have been included in the update of the Brunei Darussalam Central Bank’s (BDCB) Alert List.

BDCB in its statement stated Alert List The BDCB is a list of entities (i.e. companies and individuals) which based on information available to the BDCB at the time of publication, may or may have been mistakenly believed to be licensed or authorized/approved or regulated by the BDCB.

The list is without prejudice to any further assessment by the BDCB of the activities of the entity concerned.

In relation to that, the BDCB advises the public to only deal with licensed financial institutions and to be wary of unlicensed companies or individuals who run or offer financial services, especially those that involve get-rich-quick schemes and pyramid schemes.

Among the financial services under the jurisdiction of the BDCB are money exchange, money remittance and money lending.

The public is also reminded that protection under the BDCB supervisory framework cannot be afforded to anyone who chooses to deal with unlicensed or regulated companies or individuals.

The public can also visit the BDCB website at www.bdcb.gov.bn or the BDCB lnstagram @centralbank.brunei for more information on the dangers of unlicensed financial entities and ways to identify financial fraud.

BDCB will continue to focus on the financial stability of Brunei Darussalam and prioritize the protection of the financial system and the interests of financial users in Brunei Darussalam.

The department will also continue to monitor any suspicious or unlicensed financial activities in Brunei Darussalam.

If the public has any information on unlicensed activities, please contact the BDCB at 2380007 or 8380007 or email at [email protected].

The updated BDCB Alert List can be found on the BDCB website.

Decorative picture. – Freepik

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