15-year-old critically injured by knife attack


At a birthday party in Braunschweig, a 17-year-old is said to have critically injured a 15-year-old with a knife. The victim suffered injuries to his lungs and was operated on on Friday evening. According to the police, the 15-year-old is now out of danger.

At the party on Friday evening, for unknown reasons, there was initially an argument and then a scuffle between the young guests, police reported. The 17-year-old is said to have stabbed the younger man in the upper body with a knife. The alleged perpetrator and other people involved then fled.

Following information from witnesses, the police arrested the 17-year-old suspect in his apartment. During the night, another 15-year-old reported himself. He said he had also been involved in the altercation and had been stabbed in the wrist.

According to police, all those involved and witnesses were uncooperative and refused to make any statements about the incident. Some of the young people and some witnesses are already known to the officers. The police have launched an investigation into attempted manslaughter.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240907-930-225891/1

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