2-year-old child stabbed to death by brother


ILLINOIS, SEPT 8 – A 2-year-old boy was stabbed to death by his 6-year-old brother in Joliet, Illinois, police said.

The child suffered multiple stab wounds from a kitchen knife inside the home Friday afternoon and was later pronounced dead at a hospital, Joliet police said.

Their mother called 911 and told police she was at the home, but in a different room at the time of the incident, reports WLS-TVyesterday.

“Everyone in this incident is a victim,” Joliet police Sergeant Dwayne English told reporters.

“We are always looking for the reason. That’s the answer we hope we’ll get but we probably won’t just because of some of the difficulties surrounding the investigation.”

The Department of Children and Family Services was notified and the victim’s family is cooperating with investigators, police said. – AP

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