28 women in Berlin were killed by men


According to Interior Senator Iris Spranger, there have been 28 cases of physical assault resulting in death against women in Berlin so far this year. The SPD politician announced further measures to prevent violence against women. This includes the use of electronic ankle bracelets for dangerous individuals. “Preventing femicides as the most extreme form of violence against women is a priority for the Berlin Senate, the Interior Ministry and – as you know – above all for me,” she said. The “Tagesspiegel” newspaper had previously reported on the topic.

The Interior Senator promised to take such considerations into account when revising the General Security and Order Act (ASOG), which the Senate has already planned. “In order to prevent serious crimes – especially homicide and sexual crimes – and to prevent serious violations of police or family court protection orders, we want to introduce court-ordered electronic residence monitoring in the ASOG,” said Spranger.

Spranger demands consequences

“First and foremost, however, the federal government must urgently amend the Violence Protection Act and provide for the possibility of electronic residence monitoring across the country.”

The 28 women killed this year were victims of murder as well as bodily harm resulting in death, robbery, sexual murder and manslaughter.

Police Chief Barbara Slowik pointed out that it is not clear whether all of these cases were femicides. The term femicide means that women are murdered because of their gender – that is, because they are women.

The most common form is the killing of women by partners or ex-partners. “28 women were intentionally fatally injured by a man in Berlin in 2024,” explained Slowik. Whether it was a femicide is often still to be clarified in ongoing investigations. At the end of August, two women were killed in knife attacks in Berlin within a few days. In both cases, the ex-partner is said to be the perpetrator.

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