49 euros is already the pain threshold for many

49 euros is already the pain threshold for many

49 euros is already the pain threshold for many

The current price of 49 euros per month for the Deutschlandticket is already the financial pain threshold for many subscribers and interested parties. 30 percent of those who have previously subscribed to a Deutschlandticket at least temporarily or are interested in it in principle would cancel the subscription or no longer buy a ticket if the price increased. This is the result of a YouGov survey commissioned by the German Press Agency.

It is certain that the Deutschlandticket will become more expensive. On Monday, the transport ministers of the states want to agree on a new price. According to the Bavarian Transport Ministry, the price must be increased to 64 euros from 2025 in order to cover the costs. Other states are more cautious. As the German Press Agency learned from state circles, the trend is more towards 54 to 59 euros.

For a quarter, the pain threshold is 59 euros

According to the survey, if the price were higher than 54 euros, another sixth of those surveyed would cancel their subscription or not buy any more tickets. For a good quarter (26 percent), the pain threshold is more than 59 euros. According to the survey, only just under a fifth would be willing to accept an even higher price.

Overall, almost a third of those surveyed have had a Deutschlandticket for at least a month since it was introduced. Almost one in five can imagine buying one, even if they have not yet taken out a subscription.

The Deutschlandticket for 49 euros a month has been valid since May 1, 2023. It entitles you to travel on all local and regional buses and trains nationwide. The ticket is intended as a subscription, but can be canceled monthly. For commuters, especially in metropolitan areas, it is often cheaper than previous season tickets.

For the survey, 2,048 adults in Germany were questioned online in the past few days. The results were weighted and are representative of the population in Germany aged 18 and over.

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