85-year-old is hit by a car in Marzahn and dies

85-year-old is hit by a car in Marzahn and dies

85-year-old is hit by a car in Marzahn and dies

An 85-year-old was hit by a car in Berlin-Marzahn and later died in hospital. According to initial investigations, the pedestrian was crossing a street on Friday when the car of an 83-year-old approached, Berlin police announced on Saturday. In the collision, the 85-year-old is said to have hit his head and shoulder on the windshield and then fell. Rescue workers took the man to hospital with head wounds, where he died a few hours later, it was reported. The police are investigating. Officers also confiscated the 83-year-old’s car to secure evidence.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240921-930-239102/1

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