Politician receives police protection after racist attack


CDU politician Adeline Abimnwi Awemo is receiving police protection following a racist attack at the end of July. She will be accompanied at public events or at occasions where she does not feel safe, said the CDU state parliament candidate on the sidelines of an election campaign event in Cottbus. “Nothing has changed for me, I have continued to campaign,” said Awemo – and she will continue as planned.

The politician, who was born in Cameroon, has lived in Cottbus for more than 20 years and has German citizenship. Awemo was racially insulted and attacked while hanging her election posters in Cottbus. The police are investigating a 29-year-old woman for incitement and bodily harm.

CDU MP Michael Schierack and Brandenburg’s CDU chairman Jan Redmann also took part in the election campaign on Saturday. A new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg on September 22nd.

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