More than 1000 alphorns for world record on Swiss meadow


According to the Swiss Federal Yodeling Association, more than 1,000 alphorn players set a world record with the largest alphorn ensemble on a meadow in Switzerland.

The association, which also represents alphorn players, wanted to break a record from 2013, when 508 wind players played together on the Rohrberg ridge near Zermatt. The plan was for 550 musicians, but almost twice as many signed up from Switzerland and abroad. In sunshine and a festive atmosphere, they played choral melodies for five minutes on the Klewenalp in the canton of Nidwalden.

Alphorn as a cultural asset

The wooden instrument, which is more than three meters long, is as much a part of Swiss culture as cheese, clocks and chocolate. It was once used by shepherds to call the cows from the pasture to the stable when it was time to be milked. The musicians change the sounds that come out of the pipe by vibrating their lips at different levels.

According to the organizers, observers from the Guinness Book of Records were there to verify the world record attempt. The Gornergrat record is not listed in the book. The largest alphorn ensemble is listed there as one with 366 wind players who played together on the Gornergrat in 2009.

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