The jungle camp gets a strangled queen


She came, choked and won: Reality TV participant Georgina Fleur, who is chronically underestimated by her competitors, has won the summer edition of the RTL jungle camp. In the episode released on Saturday by the streaming service RTL+, the 34-year-old prevailed in an epic and harrowing duel against her last competitor Kader Loth (51), in which she bravely ate mouse tails and impala eyes. Georgina repeatedly choked so hard that eyewitnesses had to look away. But it worked: In the end, the ex-“Bachelor” candidate, who lives in Dubai, received a crown and prize money of 100,000 euros.

Georgina was clearly filled with a certain satisfaction. “I was always treated a little condescendingly,” she complained about her fellow campers. A few days earlier, she had cried because everyone underestimated her (“They wear me out early in the morning. They’re so psycho!”). She also had a certain reputation due to unfortunate appearances in other formats – that could not be argued away. The reality contestant was considered to be a little spoiled and not very resilient. Both of these things should now be off the table with the heroic choking festival in the jungle.

Gigi talks to his lower body

At the beginning of the finale, the five remaining campers were initially reduced to three – through mutual nomination. The ban hit ex-Viva presenter Mola Adebisi (51) and ex-model Sarah Knappik (37). This was particularly bitter for Adebisi, who had previously repeatedly tried to give the impression that he understood the show’s logic like no other.

This made it clear that the winner would be Georgina, reality darling Gigi Birofio (25) and reality queen Kader Loth. One could almost assume that there was a fourth personality sitting around the campfire, as Gigi had a kind of direct exchange of ideas with his lower half several times. He lifted up the bed covers, looked down at himself and said imploringly: “Wait until tomorrow. Chill until tomorrow.”

“She really is a machine”

He blamed his two remaining competitors for exactly this activity. Georgina “slept through” half of the jungle on her lounger and Kader “chilled a lot”. His conclusion was evidently that no one deserved the win as much as he did. It was also possible that this was an emotional holdover from the previous episode, when the 25-year-old was able to pass a knowledge quiz (incidentally, when asked which fictional character was raised by apes and fell in love with the American Jane Porter, Georgina had come up with the curious answer “Godzilla”).

But this man with high-flying ambitions was soon “shaved off,” as Kader Loth put it. Gigi failed in a game in which the goal was to estimate the duration of six minutes as accurately as possible. Kader Loth once again on the counting error of the dejected man: “Gigi had far too many women in his life. At some point he stopped counting.” Her competitor Georgina, on the other hand, analyzed her with the wise words: “She really is a machine, isn’t she? In female form.”

It was also Loth who ushered in a kind of joyful end-time mood. “We are embarking on the final journey,” she announced. “Are you aware of that?” Which probably had an unintentional meta-level. The special season was exclusively made up of candidates who had already been in the jungle camp once in the 20 years of the show. A third appearance for these “legends” is hard to imagine, although not impossible. Loth therefore also announced with foresight that she needed the prize money for her pension. Georgina, on the other hand, explained that she wanted to invest it for her daughter. As a single mother, she could really use the money.

So much for being unemployed!

At the same time, the two women emphasized that their mysterious industry of reality TV contestants was by no means just fun. “Look at how hard we work to earn our money here. Nobody believes it!” said Loth. “People out there think we’re unemployed.” Georgina agreed: “And they assume we’re not doing anything. We’re not working.” For a moment, you had to believe you were witnessing the founding of a union.

Everything culminated in a final test in which, as is typical for the show, all sorts of disgusting things had to be eaten. Loth had no chance, although she sworn to presenter Jan Köppen in the style of a bank advisor that the prize was 100,000 euros. Georgina, however, stuffed herself with mouse tails (with the incredulous question: “Can you eat that?”), fermented eggs, impala eyes and finally chicken innards. Yes, she really stuffed herself. At times she held her hand over her mouth so that nothing flew out again.

The 34-year-old, born in Heidelberg, had already shown time and again that she can be very tough. There was a world of difference between her first appearance in the jungle in 2013, where she only came sixth, and the summer season in 2024. Georgina seemed a little more stable, a little more balanced, at least a little more thoughtful. That is the kind of hero’s journey that the jungle camp regularly rewards.

Is there another “Legends” jungle

This time, however, completely different rules applied. It was not the viewers who voted on the fate of the inmates, but the campers themselves who had to fight it out to see who was allowed to stay at the campfire. This made for a completely different drama in some parts. RTL had recorded the season and not broadcast it live. Presenter Sonja Zietlow (56) suggested that there might be another “legends season” like this (official title: “I’m a star – showdown of the jungle legends”).

In any case, the finalists seem to have had a conciliatory outcome. “I think that winning is not the best thing, but something completely different,” said Gigi, whose range in the camp had ranged from publicly displayed flatulence to everyday philosophy. This other thing, he said, was “appreciation.”

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