Many battles on fronts in Ukraine


Ukrainian defenders and Russian attackers have engaged in numerous battles along the fronts in eastern Ukraine. In the early evening, the General Staff in Kiev reported a total of 109 armed clashes during the day. The focus of the fighting was once again the area around the town of Pokrovsk on the edge of Donbass. There, Russian units stormed the Ukrainian defense lines 23 times with artillery support. The attacks were repulsed, it was reported. Russian attacks were also reported from the area around the nearby town of Kuracheve. This information could not be independently verified.

According to these reports, heavy Russian artillery attacks also hit the Sumy region. At least 15 different settlements were shelled. The supply lines for the Ukrainian troops that have penetrated the western Russian region of Kursk run through Sumy. The Ukrainian side has not provided any information on the course of this offensive.

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