From today onwards, no more tickets for cash on BVG buses


From today, passengers on BVG buses can only pay for tickets without cash. In recent weeks, the Berlin Transport Company (BVG) has made announcements on buses about the change, and now it is coming into force.

At the beginning of August, the BVG justified the new regulation with a change in people’s travel behavior. According to the report, around 99 percent of customers now board with a valid ticket anyway. On average, according to the BVG, only three tickets per day and bus are now paid for with cash.

The BVG also hopes that the new rule will relieve the burden on bus drivers. From Sunday, they will no longer have to pay the cash register or carry cash.

Cash has already been banned from BVG buses

But it should also be quicker and easier for passengers. Anyone who does not have a Deutschlandticket, Berlin subscription or other season tickets and does not buy their ticket via an app or beforehand at a machine can pay the bus driver with debit and credit cards or digital services such as Apple and Google Pay. A rechargeable BVG credit card can also be used. This is available in the BVG customer centers and 900 lottery outlets.

Because of Corona, the BVG had already banned cash from buses for a while in 2020. However, this payment option was reintroduced at the beginning of 2023.

According to its own information, the BVG currently has around 1.2 million subscribers. In total, around 1.8 million Berliners use season tickets. Since the introduction of the 49-euro ticket, according to the BVG, many visitors to Berlin have also been bringing their tickets with them. And 95 percent of occasional customers buy their tickets at sales points, vending machines or via an app – i.e. not on the bus.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240901-930-219180/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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