When will the first projections and forecasts be available?


Around 3.3 million voters are expected to vote this Sunday State elections in Saxony called to vote. In the last polls before the election, the CDU of Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and the AfD were in a close race.

Saxony election: When will the first projections be available?

The first forecasts will be published as soon as the polling stations in Saxony at 6 p.m. The forecasts are based on surveys conducted directly outside the polling stations. During the course of the evening, the first projections are expected. The more numbers are counted, the more the projections resemble the actual result.

Last Sunday question for Saxony

Election night on TV and stream

Das Erste and MDR will accompany the state elections in Thuringia and Saxony with broadcasts.

    • 5:40 p.m. to 8 p.m.: “State elections in Saxony and Thuringia”
    • 22:05 to 23:05: Caren Miosga “After the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia”
    • 5:40 p.m. to 7 p.m.: “MDR aktuell extra: State elections in Saxony and Thuringia”
    • 19:00 to 19:30: “MDR Sachsenspiegel”
    • 19:30 to 20:15: “MDR aktuell extra: State elections in Saxony and Thuringia”
    • 21:45 to 22:45: “MDR aktuell extra: State elections in Saxony and Thuringia”

How high is the voter turnout in Saxony?

In the state elections in Saxony, a high voter turnout was already evident during the day. By midday, 25.8 percent of eligible voters had cast their votesthe State Statistical Office in Kamenz announced. At the previous state election in 2019, the figure at the same time was 26.2 percent.

The preliminary figures show Postal voters have not yet been taken into account. It is expected that 24.6 percent of those eligible to vote will exercise their right to vote by mail, it said. In 2019, the figure was 16.9 percent. According to the state election commission, the elections began in the morning without any disruptions. No problems were known, it said.

According to the city, by 12 noon, 57.5 percent of Dresden residents had already of eligible voters cast their vote. At the same time five years ago, the figure in the state capital was 53.3 percent. In Leipzig, voter turnout at 12 noon was 52.5 percent, significantly higher than in 2019 at 40.8 percent. In both cities, however, postal voters were already taken into account.

The city administration in Chemnitz reported a voter turnout of around 33 percent. However, only Sunday’s voters were counted here. “For comparison, in the last state election at the same time in 2019, we had a preliminary voter turnout of around 32 percent,” the city said. (mira, dpa, AFP)

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