Femicides: Fatal knife attack – was protection sought beforehand?


Following the death of a 28-year-old woman in Berlin-Friedrichsfelde, investigations are underway into the specific background. Police and prosecutors assume that the ex-partner stabbed the woman to death and are investigating her for murder. The 45-year-old Turk is in custody. According to prosecutors, he has not yet commented on the allegations.

According to the “BZ” and “Berliner Zeitung”, the victim was at the family court just a few hours before her death to ensure that her former partner was no longer allowed to come near her. Such measures are possible under the Violence Protection Act, for example in cases of domestic violence. A court spokeswoman did not comment on the matter, citing the fact that proceedings on family matters are generally not public.

The 28-year-old was discovered in the hallway of an apartment building late Friday evening with life-threatening injuries. The Greek woman died shortly afterwards in a hospital. Her ex-partner is said to have attacked her with a knife and stabbed her several times.

Second case in a week

It was the second case within a week in which a woman died after a knife attack. A 36-year-old woman was killed in Berlin-Zehlendorf on Wednesday evening. Her ex-husband was arrested. According to initial findings, the police believe it was a so-called femicide.

Femicide means that women are killed because of their gender – that is, because they are women. The most common form is the killing of women by partners or ex-partners. According to statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office, 155 women were killed by their partners or ex-partners last year – 22 more than the previous year.

In another knife attack on a woman in Berlin on Friday in the Reinickendorf district, the police and public prosecutor’s office believe the situation was different. A Ghanaian is said to have attacked and strangled a 38-year-old woman in her apartment in Berlin with a kitchen knife. However, her children were able to call for help, preventing anything worse from happening.

The woman is said to have taken her compatriot in a few days ago. The 32-year-old is being investigated for attempted murder. According to the public prosecutor’s office, he is in custody.

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