Harry Potter fans disappointed by lack of announcement at the station


Boos at King’s Cross station in London: Numerous Harry Potter fans were disappointed as they waited for an announcement for the fictional train to Hogwarts School of Magic.

Traditionally, on September 1st, the departure of the “Hogwarts Express” from platform 9 3/4 at 11 a.m. is announced on the official display board. In the famous book series, the magic students travel back to the boarding school for witches and wizards at this time.

But this year, as the British news agency PA reported, there was no announcement. The fans reacted with disappointment.

However, they cannot have been entirely surprised. The media company Warner Bros Discovery, which owns the rights to the Potter franchise, had already advised fans in advance not to travel to the station. There will be no event, no scoreboard and no countdown, according to PA in a statement a few days ago.

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