Putin attends memorial ceremony in Mongolia despite arrest warrant


The Russian President Vladimir Putin will take part in celebrations marking the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet and Mongolian forces over Japan in Mongolia on Tuesday.

The Kremlin chief, who landed in the capital Ulan Bator on Monday evening, visits a member state of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the first time) since the latter issued an arrest warrant against him in March 2023. A Meeting with Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khureslsukh is planned.

The human rights organization Human Rights Watch has visited Mongolia called for Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin to be banned from entering the country or arrested“Mongolia would be violating its international obligations as a member of the International Criminal Court if it allowed Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit without arresting him,” said Maria Elena Vignoli of the International Justice Division at Human Rights Watch, according to a statement.

Mongolia signed the Rome Statute in 2000 and it Ratified in 2002The court’s contractual basis provides that States Parties arrest suspects against whom an ICC arrest warrant has been issuedThe Kremlin had said that Putin was “not worried” about a possible arrest in Mongolia. (dpa, AFP)

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