US election campaign: Accident in motorcade of US vice-candidate


An accident occurred in the motorcade of Democratic US vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz on the way to a campaign appearance. Reporters traveling with him reported that several cars in the motorcade had collided on the way to a rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The cars involved were those carrying reporters and campaign staff, but not the car with Walz on board. Several journalists were slightly injured in the collision, as was a campaign staff member. Walz was unharmed.

The governor of Minnesota appeared before supporters in Milwaukee as planned after the accident. “I am relieved to say that apart from a few minor injuries, everyone is fine,” the 60-year-old said there. He thanked security guards and rescue workers for their support after the incident. Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and US President Joe Biden both called him after the accident to ask how he was. The cause of the accident was initially unknown.

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