Outdoor pools in Berlin are being extended


Six Berlin outdoor pools have extended their season in view of the summer temperatures. Swimming enthusiasts can swim laps outdoors at the Columbiabad in Neukölln as well as at the outdoor pools in Wilmersdorf and at the Insulaner in Steglitz until September 15, as the Berlin swimming pool operators announced. The Wannsee lido is also open for this length of time.

The Mariendorf summer pool has extended its season until September 22nd, and you can swim outdoors for another week at the Olympiabad. The Prinzenbad in Kreuzberg is open well into autumn – as it was last year: the season there runs until the end of October.

After there were repeated incidents of violence in some of Berlin’s outdoor pools last summer, the Berlin swimming pool operators took measures together with the city. From the company’s point of view, these have been successful. A spokeswoman said that they are satisfied with the development so far. The swimming pool operators will not announce visitor numbers until the end of the season.

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