“Wahl-O-Marta” compares equality issues before the election


With the “Wahl-O-Marta” people can now compare the positions of the competing parties and associations on women’s and equality issues before the state elections in Brandenburg. Eleven of the 14 parties approved for the election have submitted their statements on 22 theses, said a spokeswoman for the Women’s Political Council in Brandenburg. No responses were received from the Values ​​Union, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance and the Third Way.

The theses include protection from violence, health, family and pay. The “Wahl-O-Marta” is an information service and “politically neutral”, explained the spokeswoman. The Women’s Political Council says it is committed to equal rights and opportunities for all people in Brandenburg.

A few days ago, the Wahl-O-Mat, offered by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, went online as a further decision-making aid. It covers a broader range of state political issues.

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