BSW state chief open to reviewing AfD ban


The regional leader of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) party, Robert Crumbach, has shown himself open to examining an AfD ban and has clearly distanced himself from the party. “The AfD’s content is completely unacceptable – and there are people in the regional association who you can neither talk to nor are allowed to talk to,” Crumbach told the “Nordkurier” newspaper in Neubrandenburg. “A party that submits proposals that are intentionally reminiscent of the Nuremberg Race Laws is not a partner for us to talk to.”

Last week, the AfD parliamentary group submitted a motion calling for a ban on people entitled to asylum, Ukrainian war refugees, foreigners who are required to leave the country and those with tolerated status, and asylum seekers to attend public events. This brought criticism, saying the motion was reminiscent of the Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935. The National Socialists’ main aim was to deprive Jewish citizens of their rights.

BSW state leader does not want to talk to AfD

On September 22, a new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg. In the most recent poll from August, the AfD was ahead of the SPD, CDU, and BSW. If the AfD invites people to exploratory talks after the state election, “I won’t even go,” said Crumbach.

When asked what he thought about the discussion about banning the AfD, the BSW state leader said: “After everything I read in the motion for the last special session of the state parliament, this is an idea that needs to be pursued further.

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the AfD as a suspected right-wing extremist case, and the Brandenburg State Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the AfD regional association as such. In 2017, the Federal Constitutional Court rejected a ban on the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) because there was no evidence that it had successfully implemented its anti-constitutional goals. However, it found that the party represented “a political concept aimed at eliminating the existing free democratic basic order.”

BSW party founder Sahra Wagenknecht distances herself from right-wing extremists in the AfD, but keeps the option of supporting the party’s proposals in the future open.

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