Election campaign: Habeck accuses CDU of populism: “Merkel gap” grows


Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck has accused the CDU of a “frightening” willingness to embrace populism. “The Union no longer knows where it wants to go,” said Habeck at an election campaign event in Potsdam. As long as “Merkel was in charge there,” people in the party knew “what was appropriate.” Now the “Merkel gap” is growing every day. The CDU is trying to chase after populism.

His “real shock” after the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia was how political parties with a proud tradition “bark after the apparently popular”. “The compass has been completely confused,” Habeck stressed. Those who talk after populism are not weakening it, but strengthening it. “That is the real lesson of the elections in Saxony and Thuringia.”

With regard to the CDU’s incompatibility resolution regarding cooperation with the Left in the state parliament, the Green politician said: The incumbent Left Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow is “basically just a trade unionist”. This is left-wing social democracy that the Left offers in Thuringia. “But is it supposed to work with Sahra Wagenknecht and the BSW?” asked Habeck. A woman who joined the SED in 1989 and who follows Putin. This could not be a better alliance than with the Left or the Greens, said Habeck. The Thuringian CDU had announced that it wanted to hold initial talks with the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance about possible cooperation.

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