Further migration consultations only with rejections


CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz wants to continue discussions on migration policy with representatives of the traffic light coalition, the opposition and the states only on the condition that there are rejections at the German borders. The CDU/CSU and the states governed by the CDU and CSU have agreed to only enter into further talks if there are rejections at the German borders, Merz said in the evening at a CDU election campaign event in Kremmen, Brandenburg. “If the federal government does not do that, we will not be available to continue these talks.”

Merz accused the federal traffic light coalition of blocking this issue. “There is no willingness among the traffic light coalition to talk about rejection at the German borders. That is our central proposal number one.”

After the first round of talks on migration in Berlin, Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) announced that certain points would be examined legally. They wanted to meet again in the same round and had set a date for this next week. However, the legal examinations were a prerequisite. The meeting was scheduled as a confidential consultation.

Before the talks, Union representatives had made it clear that the traffic light coalition’s announcements from last week, the so-called security package, did not go far enough. They insisted on limiting irregular migration.

Merz: Knife length not the problem

In his speech a few weeks before the Brandenburg state election on September 22, Merz said, with reference to the suspected Islamist knife attack in Solingen and the fatal knife attack in Mannheim, that it made little sense to talk about gun laws and the length of knife blades.

“You can also kill people with a carpet knife. The blade is only two centimeters long. No, that is not the problem.” The problem is “that these people go to such events with these knives and the problem is that we have these people in the country.”

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