2021 must not be repeated


CDU leader Friedrich Merz has reiterated the need for a joint proposal with the CSU for the Union’s candidate for chancellor. “Markus Söder and I will make a joint proposal,” Merz said at a CDU election campaign event in Kremmen, Brandenburg, referring to the so-called K question. Söder and he know that 2021 must not be repeated. “If 2021 repeats itself, then we have already taken the first step towards losing the next federal election again.”

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Söder (CSU) lost in a bitter power struggle against the then CDU leader Armin Laschet in the selection of the Union’s candidate for chancellor before the 2021 federal election. The SPD politician Olaf Scholz ultimately became chancellor.

The next federal election is scheduled to take place on September 28, 2025. Merz and Söder have agreed to make the decision on the candidacy for chancellor together in the autumn.

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