Many Brandenburg residents face pensions of less than 1,300 euros


Almost every second full-time employee in Brandenburg who is subject to social insurance contributions is at risk of receiving a pension of less than 1,300 euros if they continue to receive their current income. According to figures from the end of 2023, this would affect around 258,700 of the 536,700 full-time employees with 45 years of insurance, according to the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs’ response to a query from Bundestag member Sahra Wagenknecht. The answer is available to the German Press Agency.

According to the ministry, if pension payments were made over 40 years, almost 323,200 men and women would receive a monthly net pension of less than 1,300 euros – significantly more than half of all full-time employees in Brandenburg who are subject to social insurance contributions. Wagenknecht told the dpa: “If every second full-time employee in Brandenburg does not even receive the 1,300 euros pension that federal ministers receive for just one year after 45 years, then that makes people rightly angry.” According to the information, around 336,250 full-time employees in Brandenburg with 45 years of insurance would receive a pension of less than 1,500 euros.

Wagenknecht for referendum on the day of the federal election

According to a proposal by Wagenknecht, a referendum on the pension system should be held on the day of the federal election on September 25th next year. Citizens should be able to choose between the stock-based pension of the traffic light government and a pension like in Austria, into which all working people pay – including MPs and ministers.

According to the ministry, of the almost 22 million full-time employees nationwide who are subject to social insurance contributions, approximately 6.9 million receive a net pension of less than 1,300 euros per month after 45 years of insurance. Around 9.8 million therefore receive less than 1,500 euros per month. With 40 years of insurance, 9.3 million employees would have to make do with a net pension of less than 1,300 euros. For around 12.4 million full-time employees, this is less than 1,500 euros.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240904-930-222285/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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