Possession of contraband cigarettes, Bangladeshi citizens fined $50,000


By Fadley Faisal

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 5 – A 42-year-old Bangladeshi, Sobjul Madbar, was fined $50,000 after pleading guilty to possessing, storing and selling contraband cigarettes in front of Magistrate Abdul ‘Azim bin Othman yesterday. He faces up to 16 months in prison if he fails to pay the fine.

The incident occurred on August 19, at approximately 9:35 am, when officers from the Law Enforcement Division of the Royal Customs and Excise Department conducted an operation at a worker’s residence in Kampung Jaya Setia.

In the raid, 50 cartons of various types of cigarettes were confiscated.

Decorative picture. – Freepik

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