Triathlon: Deichmann’s anticipation: Just being alone


After his 120 long-distance triathlons, Jonas Deichmann is also looking forward to the privacy that he has not had for months. The 37-year-old Stuttgart native has been completing a long-distance triathlon every day since May 9th and will finish in Roth for the 120th time this evening, covering 3.8 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers of cycling and 42.2 kilometers. His Challenge120 will then be over.

From day one, he has been accompanied by his own team as well as many other athletes and sports enthusiasts in the water, on the bike or while running. Deichmann repeatedly stresses that this is also why he did this project and praised the “super community” again on Thursday during the last cycling lap in a live broadcast. Everyone will certainly understand, “even if I am happy to be alone again”.

There is only one thing the extreme athlete will not do: just rest, even though he also announced with anticipation and a view of the days ahead: “Just wake up in the morning, stretch in my bed. Look out the window and think about what I’m going to do today.” At Deichmann, however, that means continuing to swim, cycle – especially on the gravel bike – or run. He will train for 40 hours a week.

World record was 105

Since the project began, Deichmann has been doing around 100 hours of sport a week – without a single day off. His precisely timed daily routine includes 6.5 hours of sleep at night, and he takes a short nap about halfway through his cycling session. He is now looking forward to days without such discipline, without a set daily routine.

With his 106th, he beat the record previously held by Briton Sean Conway from last year. There is another reason why he competed 120 times over the long distance on the legendary Challenge Roth course – with the exception of the swim in Rothsee. He completed this distance in total in his triathlon around the world.

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