FDP calls for rejections at borders and asylum procedures in third countries


The FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag has a tougher approach to asylum and migration policy A position paper adopted on Thursday states, among other things, Rejections of refugees at the German borders, pilot projects for asylum procedures in third countries, faster deportations and the removal of social incentives for fleeing to Germany.

“We want our humanitarian responsibility with the limited capacity to absorb and integrate this country in harmony “We need to bring about a change in migration,” says a 23-page position paper. It was adopted during the FDP parliamentary group’s autumn retreat in Hamburg and is entitled “For a new realpolitik in migration – measures for a migration turnaround.”

The position paper highlights, among other things, the fact that many refugees from other EU countries, where they should actually apply for asylum, continue their journey to Germany. Since the other European countries often refuse to take them back in these so-called Dublin procedures, the federal government must work at the EU level to ensure that cooperation “significantly improves,” it says. “In addition, refugees must be turned back at the German border if Germany is not responsible for the asylum procedures.”

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: (26.08.2024)

“The FDP is ready for quick consultations and decisions so that the Changes in asylum policy now come too,” said the deputy FDP parliamentary group leader Christoph Meyer to the AFP news agency about the decision. The Greens must now “show their colors” within the coalition when it comes to rejections at the borders. In the ongoing talks on migration policy, the Union must also not “torpedo an agreement because it wants to save it as an election campaign issue for next year.”

According to the position paper, the FDP wants to allow deportations to third countries other than the country of origin. It also demands a resumption of regular deportations to Syria and Afghanistan. In addition, the federal and state governments must set up “joint departure centers” at the major German airports.

The Liberals want to continue to “reduce the wrong incentives in the social security systems” in order to eliminate factors that encourage migration to Germany. To do this, the level of asylum seeker benefits must be “critically” examined and – as the government is now planning – social benefits for people who are required to leave the country must be cut. In addition, asylum seekers should be “increasingly required to do community service.”

And German development cooperation must focus on eliminating the causes of flight. “In addition to local investments, this also includes greater financial support from Germany for the (UN refugee agency) UNHCR and the World Food Programme.” At the same time, the FDP is calling for an expansion of legal immigration channels in order to eliminate the shortage of labor and skilled workers. (AFP)

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