Forest fires: Forest fire near Ruhlsdorf under control


According to the fire department, a forest fire near Teltow is under control. The fire department said that only the remaining extinguishing work was still being carried out on an area of ​​around 2.5 hectares. In the early afternoon, around 5 hectares were ablaze. At around 10 p.m., a spokesman reported that the firefighting operation was now being stopped. There would be a fire watch during the night and the remaining extinguishing work was planned for Friday. “There is no danger to the population,” he said.

The fire between the towns of Ruhlsdorf and Berkenbrück broke out at around 2 p.m. Strong winds quickly fanned the flames. According to the operations management, around 70 firefighters were on site. In the evening there were still around 60. The operations management was optimistic that the fire could be completely extinguished in the foreseeable future.

Residents should keep windows closed

There was a lot of smoke. Residents were therefore asked to keep doors and windows closed and avoid the affected area.

In Brandenburg, the highest danger level currently applies in 13 of the 14 districts, as the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment announced on its website. Only in the Barnim district is forest fire level 4 in effect, which means there is a “high danger”.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240905-930-224386/2

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