Mbappé does not expect a big reception on his return


Kylian Mbappé is not expecting any overwhelming joy from the French public when he returns to the Parc des Princes in Paris. After seven seasons at Paris Saint-Germain, the new signing from Real Madrid will play with the French national football team against Italy on Friday in his long-time home ground. There had been disagreements between the player and the French club over the move to Madrid.

“I don’t expect much from the reception tomorrow,” said the star player of the Équipe Tricolore on Thursday. But he doesn’t care, said the 25-year-old. “The most important thing is to win.” The French were eliminated in the semi-finals of the European Championship against Spain (1:2). Mbappé, who scored his first league goals for Real last week, had previously had to play further matches of the tournament wearing a mask due to a broken nose in the opening match of the European Championship.

Injury is no concern

However, he explained that the injury is no longer causing him any problems. “I had a check-up in Madrid and was told that an operation was not necessary. I have no problems breathing or sleeping,” said Mbappé.

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